Well today is the 9th, and I've just replied to my offers hours before the deadline. This is not because I'm lazy or forgot about it over the bank holiday weekend, I've been waiting for an epiphany to make the final decision about university choices just that little bit easier. It didn't happen.
Filling in multiple choice boxes on a screen doesn't really live up to the enormity of the questions they're really asking; 'where do you want to live for the next three years?' and 'which of these institutions will really help you further your career?'. I don't know the answer to either, how are any of us really expected to know 100% what's best for us, or what we really want?
I'm even less sure of where I want to go now that I've filled in my choices. The firm and insurace choices have the same grade boundaries, which I know is a bit silly but I also know that out of the five they're the only two I actually want to go to; so if I don't get the grades then I'm not going at all. Which is really how it should be. There are other ways of getting into the careers that we want, and I'm starting to wonder if I should've looked into them better before applying.
That sounds pretty negative but I'm excited to go really, it'll be fun, and maybe some of us might learn something if we ever turn up to lectures. I'm just not sure how likely it'll be that I'll get in at all at this rate. I only have two exams this time around and a month is hopefully enough time to get ready for both. I hope it is anyway, there's a lot riding on it.